A Simple Trick to Get a DoFollow Backlink in Skyscrapercity

Fajar Nindyo
Nowadays, getting backlinks with the DoFollow category is a dream for many bloggers to be able to increase the ranking and visibility of their blogs in the Google search engine.

But to get backlinks with DoFollow status is a case that is not easy especially if it is obtained by free (non-paid method). The general thing that SEO experts usually recommend is to create quality contents in the hope that there are bloggers or other web owners who will publish your active links with DoFollow status in their articles that point to the blog you have (after they quote the article you wrote). This method, of course, requires a lot of effort and struggle because we are challenged to provide quality content regularly and hope that the article booms and DoFollow links appear in other people's articles that refer to your URL.

The above method can be intermittently interspersed with other simple methods or techniques although to go there also need to search in detail in the search engine. The way I mean is to create an account profile on the web or other people's blogs in both web forums, microblogging, social networking, and others. One web forum that provides a special column to insert our blog URL is Skyscrapercity.

In the history, in the beginning, there were 2 (two) forums namely Holland Hoogbouw Forum and European Skyscraper Forum which both used Ezboard as a web platform. In the near future, the Australia Board was formed and created the 'World Skyscraper' a few weeks later. Then they separate themselves and make their forums which are hosted on several servers. When everything starts to develop, the manager starts complaining about bandwidth usage. Then came a new server and a new forum software called vBulletin and all forums merged into one under the current name of Skyscrapercity. French and Polish boards are made. In recent years, quite many new communities have developed with membership spreading to a large number of points in various regions of the world and Skyscrapercity itself has become one of the most popular forums on the internet.

To create a DoFollow backlink in Sykscrapercity, the first step that needs to be done is to register as a member of the forum by looking for the "Register" button. Fill in the fields provided such as e-mail account, username and password. Then there will be an incoming email containing a link or button to activate your membership. Remember that without activating membership you will never be able to modify your profile where there is a "Contact Info" menu in which "Home Page" column exists.

DoFollow Backlink

Now, after activating the account via email, please fill in the profile data that has not been filled in, such as the profile name that will appear in the discussion forum, city of residence, short biography, interest, and occupation. Then fill in the URL of your blog in the "Home Page" column. Now, after everything is filled and saved, check your profile page display again, undoubtedly "Home Page" data will appear that contains a DoFollow backlink which leads to your web or blog address you have.
DoFollow Backlink

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