At the time of the early days of registering Google Adsense, we just need to set up a main web or blog where if Google Adsense submission has been applied by Google, then the ad code obtained from the prior approval can be used on other blogs or websites automatically (without any review process).
But the policy turned out to be no longer valid lately. When I bought a new domain and tried to apply for AdSense with an account that had previously been applied, Google did not automatically approve the new application. This means that now having an existing Adsense account does not mean it can be easily used on other blogs or websites.
Google itself is changing the policy seems to prevent the existence of Adsense ads that appear on post pages that are empty or do not have the quality contents. Maybe we remember that there was a case on YouTube where they were boycotted by advertisers after the Washington Post released a report that YouTube allowed advertisements on a radical or terrorist content channel. Imagine if large companies display advertisements on channels that support radical movements or terrorism, then who would want to buy their products? That is what caused YouTube to change its advertising policies where it was also applied to the Adsense for Blog later where new blogs or websites registered with the program had to go through a review or filter before being declared approved.
The experience above happened to the second blog that I had where I wanted to install the Adsense code as it was installed on the main blog that was registered first in the Google Adsense program. The steps that I have done as of the date of this writing (March 06, 2020) are as follows:
- Domain Status: Expired Domain (purchased and activated in March 2020)
- DA 15; PA 16; Alexa 10,418,849; TF 0; CF 6
- Number of new articles added: 7 posts (among many existing posts)
- Menu: About Us, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy
- Page View (PV): 69
After the process of adding the site to a Google Adsense and inserting the Adsense code into the template layout via the Blogger - Layout - Html Gadget menu, then I submitted it to Google on March 06, 2020, to be reviewed by their team. They stated that currently the Adsense code is being prepared where the approval process takes several days and can even take up to 2 weeks. They will notify after several checks.
Not until days, at night (on the same day), enter an email from Google Adsense informing me that their team is not ready to display ads at this time because there are issues that need correction. Further explanation is directed to my Google Adsense account where after searching that Adsense status "needs attention" and "Your site is not ready to display ads. There is a problem that must be fixed so that your site is ready to display ads."After further checking it said that "We found several policy violations on your site, which means your site is not ready to display ads."
For the event that I experienced above, it can be concluded that it is true at this time that the addition of the Adsense ad code to the new web or blog that was just created will not automatically be approved by Google. There is a standard mechanism where it is as if the blog owner is treated as applying Adsense from the beginning and it is not related to the previous approval status.
Updated as of March 22, 2020
Because the expired domain that I bought has a subdomain that contains many articles whose status cannot be reached by visitors and while paying attention to the Adsense message a warning appears "There is a problem that must be fixed so that your site is ready to display ads" then I analyze that there are URLs that do not bring benefits to visitors so it must be fixed first.
The step that I did was to prevent Google bots and Adsense from crawling subdomains by modifying the robots.txt file placed on the subdomain.
Updated as of March 31, 2020
Besides making improvements in the robots.txt file to block every article in the subdomain from being crawled by all types of bots including the Adsense bot, I also make a 301 redirect from article pages that are not found (error 404) to be moved to the homepage. I do this by placing the following code in the above "</body>" of my Blogger template file.

Besides making improvements in the robots.txt file to block every article in the subdomain from being crawled by all types of bots including the Adsense bot, I also make a 301 redirect from article pages that are not found (error 404) to be moved to the homepage. I do this by placing the following code in the above "</body>" of my Blogger template file.

After making those repairs and I resubmitted to Google Adsense on March 30, 2020, where the number of posts has reached 36 pieces with Page View (PV) is still the same as when the first submission, Google Adsense then send a notification via email within 1 (one) day stating as follows:
"Our team has reviewed your site and unfortunately your site is not ready for display advertising at this time. There are several issues that need correction before your site is ready to display ads.
We encourage you to review and update your site. After doing so, you can request a review. Our specialist will review your site to ensure compliance with the Program policies, so make sure to resolve all issues."
To find out the details of an issue that needs to be fixed, Google Adsense ordered me to visit my Adsense page account. And after logging into my Adsense account, I got more detailed information about the reason why my re-submission was rejected as shown in the image below.
It says that "Your site is not ready to show ads. Some of our services experienced a temporary delay during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). This means we cannot review your site at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your patience. "
From the detailed information above, it can be concluded that the review of the Google Adsense program was suspended as a result of the spread of COVID-19. I only need to be patient in this matter to wait for further news after the COVID-19 pandemic is declared to have passed.
Updated as of April 01, 2020
After reading the Google Adsense TOS, I consider not to make a redirect from the article page that is not found to the homepage, so the script code in the Blogger template I deleted. In the link of, it said that Adsense users should not do "Abusive experiences", one of which is "Auto Redirect" which means "ads or content elements that auto-redirect the page without user action."
The next step is that I choose to submit the removal of all articles in the subdomain through the "Removals" menu in Google Search Console (GSC) as seen in the image below:
Updated as of April 01, 2020
After reading the Google Adsense TOS, I consider not to make a redirect from the article page that is not found to the homepage, so the script code in the Blogger template I deleted. In the link of, it said that Adsense users should not do "Abusive experiences", one of which is "Auto Redirect" which means "ads or content elements that auto-redirect the page without user action."
The next step is that I choose to submit the removal of all articles in the subdomain through the "Removals" menu in Google Search Console (GSC) as seen in the image below:
[will be updated if there is any progress in the next]
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